

During their 14 years stint in Trinidad and Tobago, Dalkeith and Claudette Bennett encountered the tools of the Freedom in Christ Ministry (FICM) and witnessed first-hand how these tools impacted believers, as many lives were transformed as a result of engaging the truth of God’s Word, embodied in the tools. At first, they were amazed at the changes evidenced in people’s lives but it was even more remarkable that it was not just individuals, as a church they had been working alongside and many of the marriages of couples exposed to the material were impacted, even as their own lives were changed.

Upon returning to Jamaica in 2015, they had the desire to see Freedom in Christ Ministry brought to the shores of their native land. Despite many delays and changes to this plan, the vision to move forward in Jamaica became even clearer after Claudette’s return from the FICM conference in Malaysia, May 2018. At this point, it was apparent that she would lead the ministry since Dalkeith had a full-time job and pastoral leadership for a circuit of churches in the Spalding and Christiana areas of Clarendon/Manchester, Jamaica.

On September 30, 2018, a formal launch was held at the Spring Ground Missionary Church, Spring Ground District, Manchester. Leadership briefings for pastors and church leaders will begin in the capital, Kingston & St. Andrew as well in Manchester early in 2019.

The Lord has already provided support from the circuit of churches to carry the ministry in prayer, also some members are positioned to be a part of the FICM Jamaica core team. Leisha Lyn-Cook, an early recruit to the ministry has come alongside Claudette, she has a similar passion to see believers in the body of Christ walk in the freedom Christ purchased for them on the cross.

The vision for Jamaica is to see believers from every ‘nook and cranny’ of Jamaica established free and walking in the identity and authority that is theirs in Christ. Fulfilling the mandate given to the body of Christ to make disciples, and not just ordinary disciples but fruitful disciples. The mission is to provide the FIC tools to churches island wide enabling them to move converts into fruit-bearing disciples.  


Email: info.ficmja@gmail.com

Mobile: 876-826-9297


North America & Caribbean